Price: £75 full / £60 members / £65 concessions / £50 under 25s
- Duration: 90min
- Type: Create and Learn
In 1902, Georges Méliès crafted his silent classic A Trip To The Moon. For the first time, audiences could imagine life beyond this little blue dot we call Earth. Since then, through film, we have travelled to galaxies far, far away (Star Wars), hidden from Xenomorphs (Alien) and existed in solitary space stations, orbiting balletically through space (2001: A Space Odyssey). But what are the roots of these adventures, and how do writers, directors and actors bring these wild stories to our screens? Taking in the Universal monster movies of the 1930s, the explosion of 50s sci-fi cinema and the impact and legacy of Star Wars, Spielberg and Cameron, this 10-week course will launch you into worlds of magic, wonder and terror!
Tutor: Adam Pepper
Duration: 10 weeks
When: Monday evenings from Mon 7 Oct 2024, 7pm-8.30pm
Price: £75 full / £60 members / £65 concessions / £50 under 25s
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